Monday, March 30, 2009

~ Random Thought About Food 2

For some unknown reason to me, when I uploaded the image, everything I wrote was erased :(  I guess this  blogging thing is not as easy as I though lol. Well, back to what I was supposed to have written about that beautiful picture of a sandwich. 
It was a bad day at school today.... all because of the sucky food they serve at the cafeteria of my school. The lunch today was just awful. The spaghetti was cold, overcooked, unseasoned, and just gross overall. How hard is it to make pasta for God's sake?? I am a guy and I can cook great fucking pasta. The so called "chef" of my school needs an extensive class in how to fucking cook. Seriously, the guy or woman can't cook for shit, and he or she picks the weirdest foods to serve to high school students. I mean, who the hell wants to eat a "Mexican Lasagna" with olives, onion, peppers, and disgusting looking cheese protruding from the sides?? is there even a such thing as a mexican lasagna?? no there is not... and I know, trust me.
After that disappointing lunch, I thought that going to the deli and getting a sandwich would be a good idea.... but I was wrong yet again. The mexican dude who was serving the deli when I got there couldn't be more useless than a crippled guy trying to swim. Thank god I speak good spanish because otherwise I would've had such a hard time trying to explain the dude the difference between cheese and fucking blue cheese dressing.
I hope you guys enjoyed my first blog post. Kinda random, I know, but I had no idea about what to write lol 

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